Basic Control of the Arduino and LEDs
The images above are my schematic for assignment 1. There are 3 LEDs, their positive nodes are connected to pin 13, 12, and 11 of the Arduino. Their negative nodes are connected together and connected with a 330 ohm, 220 ohm, and 100 ohm resistors in series. Then the resistor is connected to the ground on the Arduino board.
From data sheet we know that LED have a working current of 20mA. When Arduino's pins are acting as power, they provide 5V power.
From the equation I = V / R
, we can calculate that a 250 ohm resistor is needed as a bare minimum. In order to limit the current and make the LEDs safer,
I added a 220 ohm, a 330 ohm, and a 100 ohm resistor to create a 650 ohm equivalent resistance.
The above image shows the actual Arduino circuit build on breadboard.
bool led11 = false;
bool led12 = false;
bool led13 = false;
long prevMs[3];
char delimiter = ',';
int DEFAULT_DELAY = 1500;
// Turn LED on or off based on the input delay, can blink while running other functions
// (int) ledPort - Port number that connect led port
// (int) delay - Milliseconds that
bool updateLed(int ledPort, int delay, bool ledState, int delayOn = 1000) {
long currMs = millis();
long interval = currMs - prevMs[13 - ledPort];
int delayComm = delayOn;
if (ledState) {
delayComm = delay;
if (interval >= delayComm) {
ledState = !ledState;
digitalWrite(ledPort, ledState);
prevMs[13 - ledPort] = currMs;
return ledState;
void setup() {
// Open serial communication with computer
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
pinMode(12, OUTPUT);
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// If there's any text send by the computer, enter the "if" condition
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
Serial.println("Serial Available");
// Access and store the received string
String inputStr = Serial.readString();
String token = inputStr;
// Ready to extract delay time from string
int inputDelay = DEFAULT_DELAY;
int i = 0;
// while there are still delay times to be extracted ("," presents)
while (inputStr.indexOf(delimiter) >= 0) {
// Extract from the start to the first ","
token = inputStr.substring(0, inputStr.indexOf(delimiter));
// Delete what's extracted and the ","
inputStr = inputStr.substring(inputStr.indexOf(delimiter) + 1);
// Delete any space
// Convert to int
inputDelay = token.toInt();
// Store delay time into array
delayArr[i] = inputDelay;
inputDelay = inputStr.toInt();
delayArr[i] = inputDelay;
// led 13 is always blinking at 1000ms
// led 12 and 11 blinks at 1000ms at first, when string is received, arduino parses the first four numbers
// and use them as led on & off delay
led13 = updateLed(13, DEFAULT_DELAY, led13, DEFAULT_DELAY);
led12 = updateLed(12, delayArr[0], led12, delayArr[1]);
led11 = updateLed(11, delayArr[2], led11, delayArr[3]);
The above gif shows how this program run, when the user enters up to 4 numbers, a1, a2, a3, a4, the LEDs flash at different rates.