Assignment 1 -- Blink

Basic Control of the Arduino and LEDs


Treasure Maps

The images above are my schematic for assignment 1. There are 3 LEDs, their positive nodes are connected to pin 13, 12, and 11 of the Arduino. Their negative nodes are connected together and connected with a 330 ohm, 220 ohm, and 100 ohm resistors in series. Then the resistor is connected to the ground on the Arduino board.

Why 330, 220, and 100?

From data sheet we know that LED have a working current of 20mA. When Arduino's pins are acting as power, they provide 5V power. From the equation I = V / R, we can calculate that a 250 ohm resistor is needed as a bare minimum. In order to limit the current and make the LEDs safer, I added a 220 ohm, a 330 ohm, and a 100 ohm resistor to create a 650 ohm equivalent resistance.


Above the blueprint

The above image shows the actual Arduino circuit build on breadboard.


Inside the chips
bool led11 = false;
bool led12 = false;
bool led13 = false;
long prevMs[3];
char delimiter = ',';
int DEFAULT_DELAY = 1500;

// Turn LED on or off based on the input delay, can blink while running other functions
//	(int) ledPort - Port number that connect led port
//  (int) delay - Milliseconds that
bool updateLed(int ledPort, int delay, bool ledState, int delayOn = 1000) {
    long currMs = millis();
    long interval = currMs - prevMs[13 - ledPort];
    int delayComm = delayOn;

    if (ledState) {
        delayComm = delay;

    if (interval >= delayComm) {
        ledState = !ledState;
        digitalWrite(ledPort, ledState);
        prevMs[13 - ledPort] = currMs;

    return ledState;

void setup() {
    // Open serial communication with computer
    pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(12, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
    // If there's any text send by the computer, enter the "if" condition
    if (Serial.available() > 0) {
        Serial.println("Serial Available");
        // Access and store the received string
        String inputStr = Serial.readString();
        String token = inputStr;
        // Ready to extract delay time from string
        int inputDelay = DEFAULT_DELAY;
        int i = 0;

        // while there are still delay times to be extracted ("," presents)
        while (inputStr.indexOf(delimiter) >= 0) {   
            // Extract from the start to the first ","
            token = inputStr.substring(0, inputStr.indexOf(delimiter));
            // Delete what's extracted and the ","
            inputStr = inputStr.substring(inputStr.indexOf(delimiter) + 1);

            // Delete any space
            // Convert to int 
            inputDelay = token.toInt();
            // Store delay time into array
            delayArr[i] = inputDelay;

        inputDelay = inputStr.toInt();
        delayArr[i] = inputDelay;

    // led 13 is always blinking at 1000ms
    // led 12 and 11 blinks at 1000ms at first, when string is received, arduino parses the first four numbers
    // and use them as led on & off delay
    led13 = updateLed(13, DEFAULT_DELAY, led13, DEFAULT_DELAY);
    led12 = updateLed(12, delayArr[0], led12, delayArr[1]);
    led11 = updateLed(11, delayArr[2], led11, delayArr[3]);

Actual Operation

Coming alive

The above gif shows how this program run, when the user enters up to 4 numbers, a1, a2, a3, a4, the LEDs flash at different rates.