Assignment 2 -- Fade

Intermediate Control of the Arduino, LEDs, and Buttons


Treasure Maps

The images above are my schematic for assignment 2. There are 2 LEDs, their positive nodes are connected to pin 13 and 11 of the Arduino. Their negative nodes are connected together and connected with a 1000 ohm resistors in series. Then the resistor is connected to the ground on the Arduino board. There's also a button which have one side connected to a 5V power source and pin 2 of the Arduino, and the other side connected to a 1k resistor, which then connects to the ground.

Why 1K?

From data sheet we know that LED have a working current of 20mA. When Arduino's pins are acting as power, they provide 5V power. From the equation I = V / R, we can calculate that a 250 ohm resistor is needed as a bare minimum. In order to limit the current and make the LEDs safer, I chose a 1k resistor for the LEDs.

How to Detect Button Press?

From the schematic we know that the button has one side connected to a 5V source, and the other side connected to a resistor, then to the ground. When the button is depressed, current flows from the source to the ground, resulting in voltage different between the resistor, so the button also have a voltage drop of 5V from ground. When the button is released, no current flows, so no voltage drops between the resistor, so there's no voltage drop from the button to ground. Pin 2 of the Arduino acts as a voltage meter, so it can measure the voltage drop from the button to the ground to see if it's depressed.

A Lighting Equation

When testing the code, I found that the value of analogWrite is not a linear relationship with the brightness of the LED. When analogWrite increases constantly, the LED's brightness would grow fast at first and then slow down. Using the functions in the Arduino library, I developed a function that can produce a shifted cosine wave that have an input field and a output field both from 0 to 255. The screenshot below shows the graph of the function.

f(x) = 255 / 2 * (1 - cos(x * PI / 255))


Above the blueprint

The above image shows the actual Arduino circuit build on breadboard.


Inside the chips
bool pin2State;
int pin11Val = 0;

void setup() {
    pinMode(2, INPUT);
    pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(11, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
    // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
    //Print out status to the serial port
    Serial.println("Reading Pin 2...");
    //Read the voltage from pin 2, equal or above 5V results in a 1 and lower than 5V results in a 0.
    pin2State = digitalRead(2);
    Serial.println("Pin 2 reads: " + String(pin2State));

    //Turn LED at pin 13 on if pin 2 reads 5V, turn LED off otherwise
    digitalWrite(13, pin2State);

    //If pin 2 reads 5V and pin11Val is not max, increase pin11Val
    if (pin2State && pin11Val < 256) {
    //If pin 2 reads lower than 5V and pin11Val is higher than 0, decrease pin11Val
    else if (pin11Val > 0) {
        pin11Val -= 5;

    //Because Arduino cannot write negative value, we set pin11Val to 0 is it's negative
    if (pin11Val < 0) {
        pin11Val = 0;

    //A small equation to smooth the lighting curve, graph on website
    int pin11Conv = (255 / 2) * (1 - cos(pin11Val * PI / 255));
    //Print out pin11Conv to the serial port
    //Write pin11Conv's value to port 11's LED
    analogWrite(11, pin11Conv);
    //Print out pin11Val to the serial port


Actual Operation

Coming alive

The above gif shows how this program runs. There are two LEDs, LED 13 and LED 11.